
My friend shared this poem with me. Adrift Everything is beautiful and I am so sad. This is how the heart makes a duet of wonder and grief. The light spraying through the lace of the fern is as delicate as the fibers of memory forming their web around the [...]

2021-04-21T10:53:41-07:00April 21st, 2021|Uncategorized|

Love in the Time of COVID-19 (Part I)

Just when I started lamenting over the things I can no longer do -like stopping at my favorite coffee shop to enjoy a latte, visiting friends, working out at the gym, doing stairs with my friend Jeri, texting Rick as I finish teaching and asking him to meet me at [...]

2020-03-20T22:42:28-07:00March 20th, 2020|Culture, Spring, writing|
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