Puyallup Fair

Yes, Rick and I went to the Puyallup Fair this afternoon.  I think the last time I had been to a fair was when I was in high school at the Lake County Fair in Crown Point, Indiana.  Today was unusually warm and we had fun strolling along the fair grounds, seeing a slice of America that I hardly ever see.  We stayed for a few hours and saw cooking demonstrations, drummers, jugglers, a trapeze artist, interesting produce displays, and the Northwest Outdoor display showing projects for various rails to trails as well as people promoting hikes we wish we had more time to do (for example the Wonderland Trail at Mt. Rainier). It was fun walking around.  Everyone at the fair was so happy, having a great time, smiling.  The best part for me was seeing the art displays made from farmers’ produce!

Puyallup Fair

Giant Jawbreakers (does anyone buy these???)

And more photos of produce displays:

Hot Air Balloon Artistic Theme